
These articles provide a foundation for building future trainings for resource parents. Using a variety of methodological approaches, the authors discuss recommended training approaches. The authors also examined the competencies, characteristics, knowledge, skills and abilities associated with successful resource parents. Suggested training approaches include using an interactive model and including instructors who have experience with the child welfare system (such as foster parents or teens in foster care). The authors recommended that trainings focus on competencies, which include (but are not limited to) trauma-informed parenting, building a trusting relationship with youth, and helping youth maintain a connection with their biological family.
A Demonstration of the Self-Assessment (RPSAC-T)
Learn more about the project and see a demonstration of the self-assessment (RPSAC-T), classroom content and right time training.
The Value of Parent Co-trainers
Learn more about the value of parent co-trainers; how to ensure true partnership between parent and professional trainers; where to find parent trainers and questions to ask; and resources that may help you prepare trainers. This is a taping of the webinar provided by North American Council on Adoptable Children (NACAC) on March 5, 2020.
Balancing Your Role as a Parent and Trainer
Learn more about balancing your role as a parent and trainer. This webinar will cover topics such as strategic sharing, tying your experiences as a parent into facts and data, how to share stories that represent diverse situations and experiences, how to talk about difficult behaviors and situations while showing compassion and how to work as part of a team in a co-trainer model. This is a taping of the webinar provided by North American Council on Adoptable Children (NACAC) on March 19, 2020.
**** Please note, the screen will be blank for the 1st minute or so. Please stay patient as it will appear shortly into the presentation.
Expanding Your Skills as an Effective Trainer
Learn more about expanding your skills as an effective trainer. In this webinar you will learn more about balancing your roles, be ale to identify qualities of effective trainers, get some pointers about preparation, gain strategies for handling challenging situations, and more. This is a taping of the webinar provided by North American Council on Adoptable Children (NACAC) on March 26, 2020.
Please note: there is an error on slide #28. The correct slide is attached here.